Archived News Articles from 2013
- Oxford awarded cutting-edge microscopy by BBSRC
- Professor Ilan Davis and colleagues at Oxford have won one of 20 awards from the BBSRC for advanced scientific research instruments aimed at helping to keep the UK at the forefront of biological sciences research
Published: 20 December 2013 - Dr Sylvia McLain's 'Week in Westminster'
- EPSRC Fellow Dr Sylvia McLain had the opportunity to see how civil servants grapple with complex science policy issues when she took part in the Royal Society's 'Week in Westminster' at the beginning of the month
Published: 16 December 2013 - Alison Woollard at the 2013 CHRISTMAS LECTURES
- In anticipation of Alison Woollard's appearance at the CHRISTMAS LECTURES later this month, the Royal Institution is releasing a different video each day between December 1 and Christmas Eve.
Published: 10 December 2013 - Israeli Science Minister visits Glycobiology Institute
- Professor Raymond Dwek hosted Yaakov Peri, Israeli Minister of Science, Technology and Space, together with the British Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, at the Glycobiology Institute at the end of November
Published: 10 December 2013 - New tool gives protein crystallographers a head start
- A new method developed by Professor Elspeth Garman and colleagues looks set to improve the ability of scientists to determine the structure of proteins using X-ray crystallography
Published: 9 December 2013 - Biochemistry undergraduate Kristof Willerton becomes World Champion in Tumbling
- Third-year Biochemistry student Kristof Willerton has a lot to celebrate this year. A fourth successive win in the British Tumbling championships in July has been followed this month with a gold medal in the 29th FIG Trampoline Gymnastics World Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria
Published: 29 November 2013 - Seminar gives placement students a chance to tell their research stories
- Biochemistry undergraduates heard at a recent seminar about the rewards and challenges of lab work from third and fourth year students who had participated in placements during the summer
Published: 26 November 2013 - Dr Simon Draper to give third Star Alumni Lecture
- Celebrating the contribution that Oxford Biochemistry graduates make to the UK and international biomedical research community, former student Dr Simon Draper will give the third 'Star Alumni Seminar' on Monday 18 November
Published: 12 November 2013 - DPhil student wins prize at crystallography conference
- DPhil student Jonathan Brooks-Bartlett won the RCSB Protein Data Bank poster prize for the best student poster related to macromolecular crystallography at the European Crystallography Meeting earlier in the year
Published: 11 November 2013 - Departmental educators recognised in Teaching Awards scheme
- Two members of the Biochemistry Department, Dr Philip Fowler and Dr Garry Brown, are recipients of this year's Teaching Awards which recognise excellence in teaching and learning within the University.
Published: 7 November 2013 - Department welcomes two new Group Leaders
- Bungo Akiyoshi and Travis Bayer have joined the Department, bringing in exciting new research programmes with complementarity to those already present.
Published: 1 November 2013 - Graduate student wins prestigious writing prize
- Biochemistry graduate student, Kate Wright, has won the Wellcome Trust Science Writing Prize 2013. Her article, 'The revenge of the Americas', gives an engaging and lively account of the debate surrounding the origins of syphilis in Europe
Published: 28 October 2013 - Water lends a helping hand in folding
- New work from EPSRC Research Fellow Dr Sylvia McLain in the Department has challenged a long-held assumption about how proteins fold
Published: 18 October 2013 - Posters win prizes at ion channels meetings
- Maria Musgaard and Sonya Hanson from the Department's Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry Unit won poster prizes at the recent meeting in Oxford of OXION, the Ion Channels and Disease Initiative
Published: 14 October 2013 - Splicing surprise for yeast researchers
- A novel pathway for mRNA processing in the cell is important for fine-tuning gene expression, researchers at Oxford and Edinburgh have discovered, and have described the finding in a paper in Genes and Development
Published: 25 September 2013 - Subtleties of neuronal receptor behaviour described in new research
- Recent work from departmental researchers in collaboration with a group at McGill University in Canada has provided new insights into a critical aspect of neuronal receptor behaviour
Published: 19 August 2013 - Biochemistry welcomes Year 12 students for UNIQ programme
- Forty Year 12 students had a taste of life as an Oxford Biochemistry student at the end of July when they took part in UNIQ, the University's Summer School programme
Published: 8 August 2013 - Alison Woollard to present the CHRISTMAS LECTURES
- The department will be put under the spotlight later this year when University Lecturer Alison Woollard takes to the floor to present the prestigious Royal Institution's CHRISTMAS LECTURES.
Published: 5 August 2013 - Elspeth Garman on the radio
- Elspeth Garman was on the radio on Sunday 28 July contributing to the BBC World Service's 'The Forum', an ideas discussions show. The episode was called 'Shining a Light on Crystals', and Elspeth spoke about her work trying to find the perfect protein crystal.
Published: 29 July 2013 - Different routes to building symmetry in cell structures
- Researchers from the department and from Institutes in Switzerland have provided a molecular explanation for a puzzling aspect of the centriole, a cellular component crucial for many aspects of cell function.
Published: 23 July 2013 - Elspeth Garman inspires school girls at Cornell University
- A conference at Cornell University which is part of a national programme aimed at inspiring girls to recognise their potential and pursue opportunities in science, selected Elspeth Garman as its keynote speaker this year.
Published: 3 July 2013 - New edition of 'Bioenergetics' published
- Stuart Ferguson from the department together with David Nicholls of the Buck Institute in California have published the fourth edition of their core textbook on bioenergetics. Bioenergetics 4 was released on June 14
Published: 3 July 2013 - Protein antibiotic finds novel way of sn(e)aking across the membrane
- Research into the molecular antics of bacterial protein antibiotics has revealed a novel mechanism for delivering a signal into cells. Colin Kleanthous and his group, together with colleagues in the Chemistry department in Oxford and at Birkbeck College, describe the snaking mechanism in their recent paper in Science
Published: 1 July 2013 - Oxford University Student Union Teaching Awards recognise Professor Garman's excellence
- Elspeth Garman has been short-listed for the 2013 Oxford University Student Union teaching award of 'Most Acclaimed Lecturer'. These student-led awards, which also include 'Innovation in Teaching' awards, provide students with direct opportunities to recognise excellence in teaching
Published: 18 June 2013 - Protein structures make an appearance at Cheltenham Science Festival
- The rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria and the centenary of the birth of X-ray crystallography were topics explored at this year's Cheltenham Science Festival with assistance from the department's Professor Elspeth Garman
Published: 13 June 2013 - Researchers reveal malaria's deadly grip
- Researchers at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, the University of Oxford (including Matthew Higgins), NIMR Tanzania and Retrogenix LTD, have identified how malaria parasites growing inside red blood cells stick to the sides of blood vessels in severe cases of malaria
Published: 7 June 2013 - Department wins Athena SWAN Bronze Department Award
- The Department of Biochemistry has been awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Department Award in the most recent round of Athena SWAN awards, recognising good practice in recruiting, retaining and promoting women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) in higher education
Published: 6 June 2013 - New studies reveal details of the multidrug resistance pump P-glycoprotein
- Collaborative research between groups in the Biochemistry and Chemistry departments in Oxford will help efforts to understand the fundamental characteristics of a protein that is responsible for resistance to many cancer drugs
Published: 30 May 2013 - Plaque unveiled to honour work of Sir Hans Krebs
- The contribution made by Sir Hans Krebs to Biochemistry in Oxford has been commemorated by the unveiling of a plaque on the New Biochemistry building.
Published: 22 May 2013 - Royal Society Fellowship honour for Professor Judy Armitage
- With more than 25 years devoted to the study of bacteria and bacterial motility, Professor Judy Armitage's contribution to the field has been recognised with her election as one of 2013's Royal Society Fellows
Published: 16 May 2013 - Matt Higgins wins Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award for malarial studies
- University Lecturer Matt Higgins has been awarded a prestigious New Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust. The generously funded 7 year long award will support his work, in which he sheds light on the molecular interactions at the heart of malaria pathology
Published: 15 May 2013 - Graduate Poster Symposium 2013
- Final year graduate students had an opportunity to present their research to members of the department at the Annual Graduate Poster Symposium. Around 30 third and fourth year students presented posters at the event on May 1 in the New Biochemistry building
Published: 8 May 2013 - Newly solved structure to boost understanding of protein transport
- A ten year collaborative effort to determine the structure of a key protein transporter has come to fruition with the publication of a recent paper in Nature
Published: 25 March 2013 - Needles in a haystack: capturing elusive cancer cells
- A new paper from Mark Howarth and graduate students Jayati Jain and Gianluca Veggiani has demonstrated how isolation of rare cells can be improved, by successfully trapping cells expressing very low levels of two important cancer biomarkers
Published: 27 February 2013 - New Year's Honour for Professor Raymond Dwek
- Professor Raymond Dwek, head of the Glycobiology Institute at the Biochemistry Department, has been awarded a Commander of the British Empire (CBE ) in the Diplomatic Services and Overseas New Year 2013 Honours list for services to UK-Israel scientific collaboration
Published: 12 February 2013 - Island-hopping protein found to recruit polycomb complex in embryonic stem cells
- A recent paper from Dr Rob Klose's group and colleagues sheds new light on how mammals use chromatin based processes to lay down the very earliest transcription patterns for development
Published: 4 February 2013 - Structure of a trypanosome receptor solved for the first time
- A recent paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences from Dr Matt Higgins' group, in collaboration with Professor Mark Carrington at the University of Cambridge, has revealed the structure of a crucial receptor found on the surface of trypanosomes
Published: 17 January 2013 - Honorary degree recognises Professor Iain Campbell's distinguished career
- Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry Iain Campbell has been presented with the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of St Andrews in a ceremony that took place at the end of November 2012
Published: 14 January 2013